Choose: Units I,III, IV, VI, VII and VIII (1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8)

Unit I - Preliminaries
Check List after study

* Language Evaluation Criteria
* Programming Paradigms
* Compilation and Virtual Machines
* Programming environments

Unit III - Data types
Check List after study

* Array and associative arrays
* Pointer and reference types
* Concept of binding, type checking
* Named constants

Unit IV - Expressions and Statements
Check List after study

* Short circuit evaluation
* Compound Statements
* Mixed mode assignment
* Guarded commands

Unit VI - Abstract Data types
Check List after study

* Data abstraction & design issues
* Object oriented programming
* Concurrency, semaphores, monitors
* Java and C# threads

Unit VII - Exception handling & Logic Programming
Check List after study

* Exception Propagation
* Exception handler in C++/Java/Ada
* Logic Programming (Prolog)
* Application of logic programming

Unit VIII - Functional Programming Languages
Check List after study

* Fundamentals of FPL
* Comparison of functional and imperative Languages
* Applications of FPL